Consent Form

美 [kənˈsent fɔːrm]英 [kənˈsent fɔːm]
  • 网络同意书
Consent FormConsent Form
  1. Before an operation the patient will be asked to sign a consent form .


  2. Individuals in the control group also signed the written consent form .


  3. Design discipline and example of informed consent form for clinical trial


  4. A brief analysis of problems existing in the composition of informed consent form in scientific research


  5. Analysis of factors associated with patients ′ signature of informed consent form of surgical operation


  6. However , only prospective studies need to have signed Written Informed Consent Form .


  7. With something trivial like a consent form .


  8. Localization of informed consent form in the international multi-centered clinical trial


  9. Treatment , all patients were no other related and both have signed informed consent form .


  10. To prevent the medical disputes effectively , the author suggests to improve the anesthesia consent form system .


  11. You can sign that consent form .


  12. They signed the written consent form .


  13. The study protocol and consent form were approved by the Texas a & m university institutional review board .


  14. Before vaccination , they will need to sign a consent form with their parents or guardians .


  15. I signed a consent form confirming that I understood the risks . I thought I did understand them .


  16. Can I quit the study after signing the consent form ? If I quit the study , will anything happen to me ?


  17. Because I never slgned a consent form .


  18. We need the seal of your embassy and the signatur of your Ambassador on the consent form .


  19. This fact was not included in the consent form , so Johns Hopkins has been forced to take full responsibility for Roche 's death .


  20. As the international multi centered clinical trial has more developed nowadays , the irrational writing of informed consent form ( ICF ) appeared to be a problem .


  21. Patients might think " 'After all , if my doctor is doing this , it must be good for me . 'That can be difficult to overcome with words in a consent form . "


  22. If any driver , who has already submitted the consent form of vehicular e-channel , would like to cancel the authorization therein , please contact us at22942030 .


  23. Now that you know how the university intended to deal with those who refused to sign the consent form , do you feel you were tricked into believing it was a free choice ?


  24. The outraged woman first tried to have Ryan Fitzjerald charged with assault , but because she had signed the consent form , she had to settle with a lawsuit for $ 100000 in damages .


  25. The consent form that Roche signed states nowhere that hexamethonium is not approved by the FDA ( the form describes it as a " medication ") and didn 't warn about possible lung toxicity .


  26. METHODS : The experiment was conducted in Shenzhen Blood Center from August 2002 to March 2004 . Blood samples of 114 donors and patients who had subscribed a consent form came from Chinese Bone Marrow Bank and associated hospitals , respectively .


  27. The guy pretended everything was ok and by drinking " a bottle of cheap wine and doing tequila shots " with his girlfriend , he got her to sign a consent form , before doing any tattooing , that said the design was " at the artist 's discretion . "


  28. Experience in subscription of the consent agreement form for ante partum fetus ultrasound inspection


  29. All the subjects were informed of the study purpose of the experiment , while the consent and informed consent form after .


  30. In changing the purpose of land within the urban planned areas , the consent should be obtained form the related urban planning administrative departments before submission for approval .
